There is only one week left to support the Signalise Co-op crowdfunder.
There has never been a better time to have a co-op for interpreters. There are various groundswells of opinion now across the board that the Coronavirus pandemic is bringing to the fore:
Capitalism needs a rethink, privatisation doesn’t work, we need to work towards a new economy, business needs to work for people and not shareholders. Exactly the ethos of a co-op!
There are some rewards on the Crowdfunder or you can just donate to support. Any amount is gratefully received! We also published some free CPD on our resources page alongside a BSL summary which explains why a co-op is so needed for our community.
We reached our initial target and now any extra funds we get in can pay for extra web development time to get the platform to launch quicker. Please help if you can, and be one of our first supporters, in the drive to change the face of interpreting services.
We’re also holding a live Q&A on our FaceBook page Tuesday 13th October 7-8 pm. If you have any questions you’d like answered please send them in to hello@signalise.coop.