Open Meeting: 12th March 6.15 – 8.15pm (BSL/English Interpreted)

Reblogged from the excellent Stop Changes 2 AtW campaign:

#StopChanges2AtW is holding an open meeting for everyone interested in the campaign to:
– Find out what the campaign has been doing since our amazing march in September

– Find out and feed into the latest Access to Work developments

– Speak up about any problems you are currently experiencing

Since the #StopChanges2AtW campaign was set up in October 2013 a lot has happened. Some of the problems that were emerging with Access to Work got better as a result of lobbying by us and other groups. The experience of being in a campaign that brings together Deaf and Disabled people and interpreters has also been brilliant – in some ways a learning curve for all of us, but one that has been very worthwhile and made us stronger together. There are still problems with Access to Work we need to raise and lobby to change including the introduction of the cap and the prospect of privatisation among others. 
At the meeting on 10th March we will recap on what the campaign has done so far and agree on our key priorities moving forwards.

Everyone welcome whether you have been involved in the campaign previously, want to get involved now or just want to hear what’s going on.

The venue is wheelchair accessible and BSLI communication support will be provided. 

For other access needs or for more information please contact:

For more information about #StopChanges2AtW go to:

#ScrapTheFramework latest: 1000 sign the letter, framework is not fit for purpose

As reported on the Limping Chicken blog earlier in the week, over 1000 signatories signed the open letter to Francis Maude MP, asking him to #ScrapTheFramework.
The letter included Len McCluskey, General Secretary of Unite the Union, leading campaign organisations and several MPs.
You can read the letter on NUBSLI’s campaign page.
This framework will change the way interpreting services are delivered to Deaf people in the UK, as well as covering all spoken language interpreting and other communication support such as lip speakers, deafblind interpreters, note takers and speech to text reporters. Privatisation of a whole sector in one go.
There is still work to be done in making representations to the Crown Commercial Service as there is a proposed two-hour minimum for interpreters and no travel expenses.
Aside from terms and conditions and fees the actual framework needs much more work. There are no stipulations about where Trainee Sign Language Interpreters (TSLIs) are able to work leaving agencies able to put Trainees into child protection and mental health. The NRCPD’s view. As long as registration is stipulated that is fine. It is not. Registered is RSLI: Registered Sign Language Interpreter. TSLI is on the register but not registered. Confused? So is everyone else. Trainees have yet to reach the National Occupational Standards and as such need to be protected and Deaf people safeguarded appropriately. NRCPD states on their website that Trainees should not work in legal settings and mental health. NRCPD, do what you say and tell the CCS no Trainees in mental health. Child protection should be explicitly stated too. As an unwritten rule the interpreting community has recognised this area as a no go for Trainees for years due to its legal as well as it’s moral nature.
On the spoken language interpreting side, there are low level qualifications stated for all areas, leaving the quality of provision dangerously low. Given that most agencies are motivated by profit the lowest possible common denominator gets the job not who is the most suitable. Private contracts are hardly safe when monitoring is left in the hands of private agencies who can make up their own figures (cf Ministry of Justice framework and ALS now Capita TI).
The way Deaf people are talked about is patronising and erroneous. “Non-spoken”, interpreters enable Deaf people “to access hearing” and if you are Deafblind you have access to video relay services. Hardly written from the basis of good knowledge and practice, or even common sense. No. This framework is a disaster waiting to happen.