Why did these interpreters join NUBSLI?

why-i-joined-nubsliIf you are a BSL Interpreter or Translator and reside in the UK you should have received a mail out earlier this week from NUBSLI. If you missed it by email or social media here is the link to the video (English subtitles available). For more news and updates about NUBSLI’s work please see The Nub, NUBSLI’s news page.

NUBSLI is a branch of Unite which is growing rapidly. The interpreters on the video are explaining why they joined. They understand the importance of fighting for quality of access for Deaf people in all areas, for their jobs and ours. The interpreting profession in the UK has never been under more threat than it is now. Act now and join the fight at NUBSLI now. If you’ve already joined, keep checking your emails for updates and pass on the news. The more interpreters that join, the more we can all do.

Consultation on National Occupational Standards for CSWs

Following the last blogpost (Does Signature Support a Lowering of Standards?), Signature are now requesting information on the feasibility of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for CSWs in education. My view is that anyone interpreting for Deaf BSL users in classrooms should have achieved the NOS for interpreting a stated in the previous post and I will be responding to that effect. Please see info below and respond with your views: 

A message from the BSL Coalition:

I would be very grateful if you could forward the link, below, to any of your colleagues or networks that you feel would be able to contribute.
The survey closes on the 19th September and your support is very much appreciated.
Kind Regards,

Gillian Marshall-Dyson
Funding and Projects Co-ordinator


A consultation to determine the feasibility of developing National Occupational Standards for Communication Support Workers (CSW)

Communication Support Workers provide access to the curriculum and the wider learning environment in education institutions for young people with hearing loss, sight loss or multi sensory impairment.

The BSL Coalition has commissioned this consultation to establish whether a set of National Occupational Standards is required to benchmark training and qualifications for CSWs working with people with hearing loss, sight loss or multi sensory impairment. Although CSWs can work with all young people in education, this piece of research is focusing on CSWs working with children under the age of 16.

If the need for National Occupational Standards for CSWs is identified, they will be developed as a separate piece of work through consultation with the CSW community as a whole.

National Occupational Standards are detailed statements of the skills, knowledge and understanding needed in employment. They inform vocational qualifications and can be used for a range of purposes including benchmarking, recruitment, training, assessment and course design.

Everything you tell us in this questionnaire will be treated in the strictest confidence and used for research purposes only in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Any reports generated from the information received will be presented in an aggregated, anonymous format.

If you have any queries about the BSL Coalition, please contact 

Thank you for your time